Posts tagged "book review"

Book review - Collapse

📚 Collapse (2006), a book by Jared Diamond.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ · Read: June 2022

Hvalsey church ruins, Greenland. Credit:

Collapse is a fascinating, if somewhat exhausting, read. The central point of the book is that environmental changes, man-made or not, have been responsible for many a civilization’s collapse.

Book review - Sapiens

📚 Sapiens (2014), a book by Yuval Harari.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ · Read: July 2022

Sapiens in an image.

Sapiens has no central point being made; rather there’s an intricate web of mostly interdependent theories and speculations. This makes for an enjoyable read, however at times it is easy to lose sight of the original premises used to build up on increasingly speculative conclusions.